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1. lékařská fakulta Univerzita Karlova1. lékařská fakultaUniverzita KarlovaPneumologická klinika 1. LF UK a Fakultní Thomayerovy nemocnice
horazdovsky 20.05.2019

Zahraniční přednášky/abstrakta - jen první autoři

Bártů V.,  Kopecká E., Vašáková M. Unit of multidrug resistant tuberculosis – effect of treatment.  Eur. Respir. J. 2002; 20; Suppl.38: 614


Bártů V.,  Kopecká E. Cause and outcome of relapse of tuberculosis. Eur. Respir. J. 2004; Suppl.48: 201


Bártů V.,  Kopecká E., Vašáková M. Treatment outcome of multi-drug tuberculosis. Eur. Respir. J. 2004; 24; Suppl.48: 438


Bártů V.,  Kopecká E., Vašáková M. Extrapulmonary manifestation of tuberculosis. Eur. Respir. J. 2005; 26; Suppl. 49: 425


Bártů V.,  Hricíková I., Kopecká E., Vašáková . Nontuberculous mycobacteriosis – from diagnosis to therapy. Eur.Respir. J. 2005; 26; Suppl.49:711


Bártů V.,  Kopecká E., Havelková M., Mullerová M. Use of QuantiFERON-TB gold test in diagnosis of active tuberculosis. Eur. Respir. J.  2006; 28; Suppl. 50:140 .


Bártů V.,  Kopecká E., Hytych V., Horazdovsky P., Vernerova A., Koukolik F. Histological verification of pulmonary tuberculosis.Eur. Respir. J.  2006; 28; Suppl.50:168.


Chlumský J. The involvement of peripheral airways in severe asthma. Eur. Respir. J. 2007, Suppl.51; 30: 520


Chlumský J., Filipová P., Anton J. Physiological responses to walking and cycling in patients with COPD . Eur .Respir .J. 2006; 28(Suppl.50):173.

Chlumský J., Novotná Š., Anton J . Physiological responses to the 6-minute walk test in patients with COPD . Eur .Respir .J. 2005;26(Suppl .49):110s .

Chlumský J. The impact of systemic corticosteroids on respiratory muscle function in severe asthma . Eur .Respir .J . 2005;26(Suppl .49):505s .

Chlumský J., Novotná Š., Anton J., Rokos T. Physiological responses to the 6-minute walk test and the incremental cycling differ in patients with COPD . Eur .Respir .J. 2004; 24 (Suppl .48):215s .


Chlumský J., Ridzoň P. Non-invasive assessement of the respiratory muscle function in motor neuron diasease and its relationship to survival . Eur .Respir .J., 2004;24(Suppl .48):521s.


Chlumský J., Smolíková L., SalajkaF .  Non-invasive assessment of respiratory muscle function and its relationship to exercise tolerance in patients with chronic obstructive airway disease . Chest 2003;124;4 (Suppl .):98S .


Chlumský J. Monitoring of sputum eosinophils in long term treatment of bronchial asthma . Eur . Respir . J . 2002;20;(Suppl .38):111 .


Chlumský J., Štěrbová L., Smolíková L., Matouš M., Salajka F . Relationship of different types of exercise tests to pulmonary function and quality of life in patients with COPD . Eur . Respir . J . 2002; 20; (Suppl .38): 68.


Vašáková, M;  Polák, J; Miřejovský P.: Pulmonary Langerhans´cell granulomatosis. Correlation of pathological and radiological changes with outcome and prognosis, Abstracts, The 7th WASOG Congress and the 6th meeting of the Scandinavian sarcoidosis association, June 16-19, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 40


Vašáková M., Edrisová A., Procházka J., Křepela E. Correlation of HRCT proven inflammatory changes with serum levels of ACE, sIL-2R and calciuria in pulmonary sarcoidosis, 13 th ERS Annual Congress, Vienna, Austria, September 27- October 1, 2003. European Respiratory Journal 2003;22;Suppl.45:226.


Vašáková M., Hricíková I., Edrisová A., Bártů V. Correlation of progression of fibrotic changes in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis 1 year after a diagnosis with initial functional and immunologic parameters. 14th ERS Annual Congress, Glasgow, UK, September 4-8, 2004. European Respiratory Journal 2004;24;Suppl 48:667.


Vašáková M., Stříž I., Slavčev A., Jandová S., Šulc J. Th1/Th2 cytokine gene polymorphisms in patiens with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Abstracts 15 th ERS annual congress. European Respiratory Journal 2005;26;Suppl.49:202.


Vašáková M., Dutka J.,  Stříž I., Slavčev A., Jandová Š. Kolesár L. Correlation of IL-1, IL-12, IL-1RA and IL-4RA cytokine gene polymorphisms and HRCT score in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. 14th annual meeting, European Society of Thoracic Imaging. ČR, Praha, 9.-11.6.2006. In: Theses of invited speakers lectures 2006, 83,


Vašáková M., Dutka J.,  Stříž I., Slavčev A., Jandová Š. Kolesár L.,Sulc J. Correlation of IL-1, IL-4, IL-12, IL-1RA and IL-4RA cytokine gene polymorphisms and HRCT score in patiens with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Celosvětový kongres WASOG. Itálie, Catania, 22.-24.6.2006.

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Vašáková M., Stříž I., Slavčev A., Jandová Š., Teřl M., Kolesár L., Šulc J. Correlation of IL-1alpha and IL-4 gene polymorphisms and clinical parameters in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. ERS annual congress. Německo, Mnichov, 17.-21.9.2006. European Respiratory Journal, 2006;Suppl. 50;28:s. 829-829.


Vašáková M., Stříž I., Dutka J., Pavlíček J., Slavčev A., Jandová S., Kolesár L., Šulc J. Cytokine gene polymorphisms and HRCT score in IPF. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 15.-19.9.2007. European Respiratory Journal, Supplement 51, Sep 2007, Vol 30,


počet zobrazení: 2210 autor: horazdovsky, poslední aktualizace: horazdovsky, 20.05.2019
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