Internal Medicine Practice before State Examination – credit requirements
1/ completion of a three-week internship
2/ successful passing the practical exam
Students receive the Protocol on Practical Part for Internal Medicine State Examination.
After that the credit is recorded in SIS.
The content of the practical exam is a complete examination of the patient, a diagnostic assessment, a proposal for an investigation and general treatment procedure. The protocol must be sign by the teacher.
The Protocol on Practical Part for Internal medicine State Examination is a condition for the student's participation on the Internal Medicine State Examination
More information: 1st Dep. of Medicine - Dep. of Hematology
The internship starts every day at 7:30 am in the lecture hall in the building G1. Students will attend the morning medical report and then be assigned to individual workplaces.
Before the start of classes, students change into PPE in the medics' locker room. The locker room is located in the basement of the building G1. The locker room key is available at the assistant of department on the 1st floor in the same building.