FTN | SIS | Moodle  | First Faculty of Medicine

1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University1st Faculty of MedicineCharles UniversityDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine
and Thomayer University Hospital

horazdovsky 25.09.2024

Extracurricular education

In collaboration with the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Thomayer University Hospital we offer the following options:

Auxiliary scientific personnel: engaging in scientific projects, collecting clinical data

Capacity: maximum 2 students per year

Extracurricular group of pneumology and pneumosurgery: participation on ward round, specialized outpatient clinics, surgical and bronchoscopic procedures, basics of functional examination in pneumology, basics of bronchology

Capacity: maximum 2 students per year

Contact: as. MUDr. Pavel Horažďovský, PhD., MBA,

email: pavel.horazdovsky@1lf.cuni.cz , tel: 775 601 106


number of views: 787 author: horazdovsky, last modification: horazdovsky, 25.09.2024
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